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Invitation Letter

It gives me great pleasure, to invite you to our laryngology courses in Swallowing, Airway and Voice disorders. These courses are held every year since at notified times. This are advanced laryngology courses and covers the scientific, medical, surgical and clinical aspects of laryngology including voice, swallowing and upper airway. Some of our proposed topics include: complex airway management, transoral laser surgery and medialisationthyroplasty (course accredited by Royal College of Surgeons of England) and management of complex laryngeal conditions, in-office procedures,Evaluation and management of swallowing disorders, TNO,FEES, vocal cord dysfunction and neurolaryngeal disorders.

We will announce the dates of respective courses with scientific programme and Faculty members imminently and will also welcome your participation for the courses.

We are certain that with RCS accredited courses and standardisation, will ensure our courses affords an excellent educational opportunity to become informed and share with one another the latest developments and research findings in this field.

Best wishes

Dr Sachin Gandhi

Director, Department of Laryngology

Deenanath Mangeshkar Super Speciality Hospital,

Pune, India

Founder President, Laryngology & Voice Association

President, Indian Association of Laser Surgery and Medicine


4 and 5 October 2016


“1st hands on Surgical course on Laryngotracheal Reconstruction”


Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Centre, Pune, India

Nearest Airport


New Airport road, Lohegaon, Pune, Maharashtra 411032


ChhatrapatiShivaji International Airport, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099

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